Artist Liaison Consultant –
Hong Kong Asian Pop
Music Festival
香港亞洲流行音樂節 藝人聯絡顧問

Artist Liaison Consultant – Hong Kong Asian Pop Music Festival
香港亞洲流行音樂節 藝人聯絡顧問
23 Mar 2011
Hall 5BC HKCEC,香港會議展覽中心 Hong Hong
Participating Artists 参與藝人:
Joey Yung容祖兒, William Chan陳偉霆 from Hong Kong,
Bibi Zhou周筆暢, Wu Qiong吳琼from China,
Lollipop F 棒棒堂 and SIGMA from Taiwan,
Fish Leong 梁靜茹 and The Bunkface from Malaysia,
AAA and Ikumi Kumagai 熊谷育美from Japan,
JJ Lin林俊傑 and Kewei Tay 鄭可為 from Singapore,
Super Junior M and the Boss from Korea.