why toppy & toppy? Whenever I introduce myself with toppy & toppy, I am often being inquisitively questioned about the name and account of Toppy & Toppy, my casual reply usually goes with an embarrassing smile, "Well, "toppy & toppy" entertainment sounds more amusing and entertaining than just "toppy" entertainment alone."To answer this question in depth, there is a hidden rationale behind the name "toppy & toppy", perhaps it's sensible to return to its origin. This company is set up by myself, I am the sole proprietor of the company, single owner and with no partners. I handle all company matters, from daily minor responsibilities to big time decisions. Yet, regardless of the company solitary structure, I strongly believe I am not walking alone! We need to have two Toppy(s)! The foundation that we are indeed two Toppy(s) to count on! One is the physical Toppy implies health, energy and being vigorous at all times. I truly believe they are the fundamentals, without a fit and healthy body, we will let fall our spirit and morale, not to mention the capacity to handle daily tasks. The other Toppy is in a more abstract aspect, which represents wisdom, intelligence, perseverance and determination. Although these elements are more on a contemplative and meditative expression, they are equivalent indispensable in our daily lives. Having said that, it is my greatest aspiration that the former physical Toppy will be accompanied by the latter intellectual Toppy, working hand in hand to deliver the best, quality and valuable services for toppy & toppy entertainment limited, and with its spirit, enthusiasm, passion, dedication to others, Toppy & Toppy will continue to flourish. | |